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Task Force on Public Communications

A knowledge and trust gap currently exists nationwide and in Arizona regarding the role of courts, the meaning of court decisions, and the wide variety of court programs available. We must narrow the knowledge gap and increase public awareness to ensure meaningful access to our courts. Thus, "Maintaining Public Trust and Confidence" is the second goal of the Arizona Judicial Branch's strategic agenda,  ... and Justice for All.

We must act proactively to increase the public's awareness of the constitutional role of the judicial branch and to ensure that information provided about courts, court decisions, and court programs is easily accessible, timely, relevant, and accurate. Therefore, we have established the Task Force on Public Communications via Administrative Order 2024-81.

Contact Us
For general inquires please contact the Task Force at:
Mail icon [email protected]
Phone icon (602) 452-3665
Pin icon Arizona Supreme Court
Administrative Office of the Courts
1501 W. Washington St. Suite 411
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222