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Frequently Asked Questions


Established by Administrative Order (AO) 2024-148, the Arizona Lawyer Apprentice Program (ALAP) allows applicants who satisfy the requirements and qualifications for admission but score at least 260 but less than 270 on the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE), to start practicing immediately under the supervision of a qualified Arizona attorney if they agree to practice for 2 years in rural Arizona or in a public law firm. Participants in the program will receive an ALAP License to practice law issued by the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). An ALAP Licensee who successfully completes the 2-year program and whose supervising attorney attests that they are capable of practicing law without supervision and who is recommended for admission by a judge or an outside attorney familiar with the Licensee’s work are eligible for full admission to the practice of law in Arizona.