Judicial Branch Awards > Distinguished Service Awards

Distinguished Service Awards

The Arizona Judicial Branch Distinguished Service Awards honor Individuals, projects, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to improving public trust and confidence in the Arizona courts system. The winners are honored at the annual judicial conference. One award is presented in each of the following categories: Outstanding Contribution to the Arizona Courts Award, Judge of the Year Award, Administration of Justice Award, and Outstanding Pro Bono Service Award.

2024 Distinguished Service Award Recipients

Paul Julien

Mr. Paul Julien, 2024 Outstanding Contributions to the Arizona Courts recipient with Chief Justice Brutinel, Vice Chief Justice Timmer, and AOC Director Byers.

Judge Paul McMurdie, 2024 Judge of the Year with Vice Chief Justice Timmer, Chief Justice Brutinel, and AOC Director Byers.

Administration of Justice

Ms. Summer Dalton, 2024 Administration of Justice Award recipient with AOC Director Byers, Chief Justice Brutinel, and Vice Chief Justice Timmer.

Ms. Christina Kelly, 2024 Pro Bono Service Award recipient with Chief Justice Brutinel, Vice Chief Justice Timmer, and AOC Director Byers.

2024 Distinguished Service Awards Program