HomeNews & Information > High Profile Cases > CV-24-0221-SA


Case Number: CV-24-0221-SA

Filing Date: 09/17/2024
Last Updated Document Remark
9/20/2024 Decision Order Unofficial Copy
9/20/2024 Notice of Supplemental Authority or Motion for Leave to Supplement Brief of Amici Curiae Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona Incorporated and Yvonne Cahill Unofficial Copy
9/20/2024 Consolidated Response to Briefs of Amici Curiae Unofficial Copy
9/19/2024 Brief of Amici Curiae Strong Communities Foundation of  Arizona Incorporated and Yvonne Cahill Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Brief of Amici Curiae San Carlos Apache Tribe, Living United for Change in Arizona, League of United Latin  American Citizens of Arizona, Mi Familia Vota, ACLU of  Arizona and Campaign Legal Center in Response to  Special Action Petition (With Written Consent of the Parties) Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Motion to File Amicus Brief, with consent of parties Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024           Amicus Brief of Potentially-Impacted Voters Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Amicus Curiae Brief of Coconino County Recorders  Patty Hansen and Gabriella Cazares-Kelly Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Brief of Amicus Curiae League of Women Voters of Arizona in Opposition to Emergency Petition for Special Action; Certificate of Service; Certificate of Compliance Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes' Response to Emergency Petition for Special Action Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Joint Stipulation of Facts Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Unopposed Motion to Intervene of Arizona State Senate President Warren Petersen and Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives Ben Toma Unofficial Copy
9/18/2024 Brief of Arizona Republican Party as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent Unofficial Copy
9/17/2024 ASC Order Unofficial Copy
9/17/2024 Emergency Petition for Special Action Unofficial Copy