September 26, 2024

CALL TO ORDER....................................................................................................Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair

1.  REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES…………..................................................Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair

   1-A:     Review, discussion, and possible action regarding the regular session minutes of the meeting held on June 27, 2024.

2.  OPINIONS……………………………………………..........................................................................................Division Staff   

  2-A  Update or review, discussion, and possible action regarding status of EO-20-0010: communication with client’s family and friends.

  2-B: Update or review, discussion, and possible action regarding status of EO-24-0001: lawyers’ use of generative         
        artificial intelligence.

  2-C: Update or review, discussion, and possible action regarding EO-24-0002: advising clients about   
        communications with represented opponents.

 2-D: Review, discussion, and possible action regarding EO-24-0004: Interviews in the post indictment plea negotiations phase in regards to a criminal defendant

  Additional information for EO-24-0004

3.   ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS..............................................................................................................Division Staff

3-A:   Review, discussion, and possible action regarding establishing the 2025 committee meeting  
          schedule, each meeting on a Thursday starting at 9:30 a.m.:

March 27, 2025

June 26, 2025

September 25, 2025

December 18, 2025 


4.  RULE PETITIONS.......................................................................................................................Division Staff

4-A:  Update regarding R-23-0051:. Petition to amend Rule 42 (ER 1.8), Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.

4-B: Review, discussion, and possible action regarding R-23-0056: Petition to Amend Rule 42 (ER 4.2), Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.   

4-C: Update regarding R-24-0003: Petition to Amend Rules 42 and 45, Rules of the Supreme Court of Arizona


​​​​​​​CALL TO THE PUBLIC..........................................................................................Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair

Individual members of the Committee may take one or more of the following actions: (a) respond to criticism made in Public Comment; (b) ask staff to review a matter raised in public comment; or (c) ask that a matter raised in public comment be put on a future agenda. NOTE: Neither the Committee as a whole nor Staff are permitted to discuss a matter raised in public comment and the Committee is not permitted to vote on a matter raised during an open call to the public unless the matter was otherwise properly noticed on the meeting agenda for discussion and legal action.

ADJOURN.............................................................................................................Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair