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Last Post 03 Jun 2024 07:53 PM by  Stacy Skankey
R-24-0030 Rules 32(b) and (c), Rules of the Supreme Court
 25 Replies
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Author Messages
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01 May 2024 12:09 AM
Corey Lovato
Chair, Council on Persons with Disabilities in the Legal Profession
Phone: (623) 688-3250
[email protected]
AZ Bar #: 034202
Re: Petition to Amend Rules 32(b) and (c), Rules of the Supreme Court

The Council on Persons with Disabilities in the Legal Profession (CPWDLP) opposes the Petition. We encourage the Court to reject the Petition as it undermines the Arizona Bar’s ability to accomplish its Court-mandated mission to serve and protect the public regarding legal services and access to justice.

The Petition purportedly seeks to decrease membership fees by limiting the State Bar to performing only narrowly defined “regulatory activities” in order to oversee the legal profession in Arizona. However, the Bar’s mission goes far beyond mere regulation. It performs a multitude of nonregulatory activities that protect the public and sustain Arizona’s legal profession, including:

- Fee Arbitration Program: Provides a free and efficient way to resolve disputes between clients and attorneys.
- Ethics Hotline: Provides Arizona attorneys with a way to navigate ethical hazards and avoid ethical missteps in practice, thus enhancing the profession’s protections and perception.
- CLE Programs: Offer Arizona attorneys an array of diverse and affordable CLE options, thus ensuring attorneys have access to pertinent, well-presented CLE material.
- Provide outreach to the public and legal community.
- Maintain educational programs on substantive law, best practices, procedures, ethics, and discussion forums for administration of justice, law practice, and report recommendations.
- Host the Annual Bar Convention, which offers 45-50 seminars on a wide variety of substantive legal topics that advance Arizona attorneys’ knowledge and skills.
- Organize pro bono legal services that expand access to justice and the Arizona court system to all Arizonans.

Each of the above programs furthers the Bar’s mission to serve and protect the public, and this is far from an exhaustive list. The CPWDLP values its partnership with and support from the State Bar in order to expand access to the legal profession to persons with disabilities who have been traditionally overlooked in the legal profession. Continuing that partnership is vital to our mission. Accordingly, we urge the Court to refrain from adopting the proposed Rule 32 amendments in the Petition.
Ted Schmidt
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Posts:1 New Member

01 May 2024 01:22 PM

Ted A. Schmidt
SBN: 005030
1790 East River Road, Suite 300
Tucson, Arizona 85718
Direct Line: (520) 545-1670
Fax: (520) 790-1163
E-mail: [email protected]
Simon Goldenberg
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Posts:1 New Member

01 May 2024 04:14 PM
Simon Goldenberg
Chair, Council on Minorities and Women in the Law
Phone: (602) 816-3928
[email protected]
Bar # 034104

To the Arizona Supreme Court,

The Council on Minorities and Women in the Law (“Council”) of the State Bar of Arizona (“State Bar”) writes to oppose the petition (“Petition”) filed by the Goldwater Institute on Jan. 10, 2024, entitled “PETITION TO AMEND RULES 32(b) AND (c), RULES OF THE SUPREME COURT,” as it would limit the State Bar’s ability to fulfill its mission and core values.

The Petition’s proposed changes to the Rules would prevent the State Bar from providing the leadership and educational resources for all attorneys, especially newly admitted incoming members. For example, the State Bar runs the Bar Leadership Institute, which is an annual nine (9) month program that helps train and connect newer practitioners across the state. A number of Council members participated in the BLI before joining the Council, thereby creating a bridge for the next generation of Arizona attorneys to get involved in community leadership roles. The development of the legal field is part of the State Bar’s values and in the interest of the public.

The State Bar hosts a number of education-oriented activities that serve its mission to improve the competency and ethics of the legal field. The State Bar’s Annual Convention is a multi-day conference that addresses a wide range of topics from ethics to specific practice areas that help develop attorneys’ competency and professionalism. Throughout the year the State Bar offers a number Continuing Legal Education programs available to all attorneys. An attorney’s education does not end in law school, and the State Bar’s extensive educational programming helps protect Arizonans’ access to capable attorneys.

The State Bar is more than a regulatory institution certifying that attorneys satisfy the minimum licensing requirements. Whether it is focused groups that connect attorneys, educational resources, or establishing a leadership pathway, the State Bar provides a number of resources to its members and, by extension, Arizonans. Therefore, we respectfully request that the Court deny the Petition.


The Council on Minorities and Women in the Law
Jessica Sanchez
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Posts:1 New Member

01 May 2024 06:58 PM
Jessica S. Sanchez
c/o Udall Shumway PLC
1138 North Alma School Road, Suite 101
Mesa, Arizona 85201
[email protected]

I am submitting this comment on behalf of the Latina Mentoring Project

To: The Honorable Justices of the Arizona Supreme Court:

We, the undersigned co-chairs of the Latina Mentoring Project (“LMP”), write to express our strong opposition to the petition currently before this honorable Court which seeks to defund the Bar’s non-regulatory activities.

As many of you know, the LMP was founded by Presiding Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Mary Murguia. What began as a book club has grown into a statewide mentoring and pipeline program with over 350 members. LMP's goal is to provide support and foster mentoring relationships between Latinas at all stages of life, with a focus on the legal profession. LMP has an active community of women, mentors, and mentees who exchange information, update one another about job and scholarship opportunities, give and request referrals, seek and give advice, and so much more. In furtherance of its goal of increased representation, LMP takes an active role in Arizona's judicial and commissioner appointment processes by reviewing application materials and submitting letters of recommendation, as appropriate.

Similarly, the State Bar of Arizona, beyond its regulatory duties, engages in critical activities that directly benefit the public and the profession, including: improving access to justice, enhancing diversity, increasing attorney competence, providing mentorship and networking opportunities for members, and educating the public about the rule of law. Several of our members currently or have previously served on Bar committees, participated in the Bar Leadership Institute, or sit on the Board of Governors. One of our co-chairs most recently served as the State Bar President and was the first Latina in that role. The Bar has been an invaluable partner in our efforts to promote diversity within the profession.

These crucial efforts would be severely impacted if the Bar’s mission was limited to just regulatory activities. The Bar’s current structure is an indispensable part of Arizona’s thriving and ethical legal profession. There is simply no reason to alter the Bar’s structure and doing so would be a great detriment to our legal community.

We respectfully urge the Court to reject this petition and maintain the Bar’s ability to continue supporting our legal community.


Latina Mentoring Project Co-Chairs
Hon. Mina Mendez
Jessica S. Sanchez
Hon. Ashley Villaverde Halvorson
Julieta Carrillo
Annelise M. Dominguez

Elena Nethers
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Posts:1 New Member

01 May 2024 09:00 PM
Elena Nethers
Arizona Lawyers for Equal Justice
3511 E Claremont Ave
Paradise Valley AZ 85253
[email protected]

The attached comment in opposition to R-24-0030 is submitted on behalf of the Steering Committee of Arizona Lawyers for Equal Justice.

Stacy Skankey
New Member
Posts:2 New Member

03 Jun 2024 07:53 PM
Stacy Skankey
Goldwater Institute
500 E. Coronado Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: (602) 462-5000
Fax: (602) 256-7045
[email protected]
AZ Bar # 035589

Reply to Petition to Amend Rules 32(b) and (c), Rules of the Supreme Court
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