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Last Post 11 Jul 2023 02:03 PM by Amanda McQueen
ACJA § 1-203 New Access to Court Services by Individuals with Disabilities
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11 Jul 2023 02:03 PM
    The opening sentence of the long-standing policy regarding Access to Court Services by Persons with Disabilities reads:
    "The Arizona Supreme Court does not tolerate discrimination in any form against persons with disabilities and intends to fully implement the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to prevent such discrimination."
    AO 92-32 (https://www.azcourts.gov/portals/22/admorder/orders94/pdf92/9232.pdf).
    This policy will be more readily available once codified in the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration, which we seek to do through the addition of Section 1-203 in the form attached.
    For more information, please contact Jim Morrow, Administrative Office of the Courts, at [email protected] or by calling 602.452.3283. Comment deadline: August 11, 2023.
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