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Last Post 13 May 2024 03:10 PM by Amanda McQueen
1-802 State - Federal Judicial Council
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13 May 2024 03:10 PM
    The Arizona State-Federal Judicial Council (“Council”) has been inactive for many years, so it is appropriate to delete ACJA § 1-802 in its entirety. The Council was initially established through Administrative Order 93-57 and was subsequently adopted as part of the ACJA by Administrative Order 2001-88. While the Council was designed to address “matters of mutual interest and concern” between the state and judicial systems, such matters are more apt to be addressed on an ad hoc basis among judicial leadership as such needs arise.

    The State, Tribal and Federal Court Forum established in ACJA § 1-801 remains active. Deletion of ACJA § 1-802 is not intended to undermine the work of the Court Forum in any way.

    COMMENT DEADLINE: June 12, 2024
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