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Victim Restitution

Arizona's judicial branch holds a deep commitment to protecting victims' rights, as well as ensuring support and restoration through court-ordered restitution. Our dedicated teams of judges, probation officers, and other court staff will continue to work together to make improvements that focus on defendant accountability and making victims whole. 

Foremost among our goals is expanding access to justice for vulnerable Arizona communities, including crime victims. The creation of felony restitution courts across our state and the development of even more innovative self-help and notification processes will be key to providing justice for all in Arizona. 

— Ann A. Scott Timmer, Chief Justice, Arizona Supreme Court
Chief Justice



Restitution is reimbursement for economic loss, which is defined as “any loss incurred by a person as a result of the commission of an offense.” The Court may order the defendant to pay the victim restitution to cover actual losses as a result of a crime.

Possible restitution claims may be for lost, damaged, or stolen property; lost wages; travel expenses for court; medical or mental health treatment; or other financial loss directly related to the crime.