For further information regarding the Juvenile Detention Standards please contact:

Erika Busani
Rebecca Lauchner

Juvenile Detention Standards

On February 13, 2007, the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court issued Administrative Order No. 2008-17 establishing the Juvenile Detention Task Force. The Task Force was comprised of fourteen individuals, consisting of juvenile court directors, juvenile detention facility administrators, Presiding Juvenile Court Judges representing both rural and urban counties and at least one individual from another agency involved in the detention of juvenile delinquents.  The Task Force reviewed the Arizona Auditor General’s Performance Audit Report on Detention Operations and identified and developed mandatory juvenile detention center operational standards consistent with the recommendations of the Auditor General. The Task Force also developed statewide standards for the application of Rule 23 (D), Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court to appropriately and consistently screen juveniles for detention and institute a thorough inspection and compliance process.

On March 19, 2009, the Arizona Judicial Council approved the Juvenile Detention Standards submitted by the Juvenile Detention Task Force. On May 6, 2009, Chief Justice McGregor signed Administrative Order 2009-47 adopting the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA) §6-311: Detention Operations. It authorizes the administrative director of the Administrative Office of the Courts to adopt by administrative directive the detention operation standards and any amendments to the standards after review and recommendation by the juvenile court directors and the committee on Juvenile Courts (COJC). ACJA §6-311 also directs the administrative director to establish a detention operations standards advisory committee to meet as needed to advise the administrative director concerning changes in the detention operations standards. The standards advisory committee is to issue a written report concerning any changes in the detention standards, and provide copies of the report to each juvenile court director for review and consideration and to the COJC. The COJC shall forward the report and all recommendations received to the administrative director for consideration and action.